SuperFlow Technologies Group 2-3
2.1 Introduction
Figure 2-1. CycleDyn AC Motoring Dynamometer with EC Absorber Option
A dynamometer, or “dyno” for short, is a device used to measure the torque and horsepower
output of an engine. On a chassis dynamometer, torque is produced by applying a force or load on
the vehicle tires as they rotate. Horsepower is calculated by simultaneously measuring the torque
along with the rotational speed of the dynamometer.
The SuperFlow CycleDyn is a motorcycle chassis dynamometer designed to test motorcycles, go-
karts, ATVs (quads), and similar vehicles within a safe, controlled environment. Testing on a
dynamometer reduces road testing liability, improves measurement accuracy, and enhances
productivity. Typical applications include:
• Research and Development (R&D)
• Performance testing and tuning
• Diagnostics
• Durability and quality control
• Fuel consumption and emissions testing
• Education
• Vehicle certification
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not
installed according to the
CycleDyn Operator Manual
, this equipment may cause interference to
radio communications. The equipment was designed to provide reasonable protection against
such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operating this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause interference, and the user will be required to correct the
interference at the user’s own expense.