4.7.1. CI-BUS protocol
To support easy integration within the RV/caravanning industry the LIN bus protocol is
configurable. One of the protocols which can be selected is the CI-BUS protocol. When
enabled, the LIN bus provides all information necessary for the system using the CI-BUS
protocol. For more information about the CI-BUS visit the CIVD website (https://www.civd.de/
4.7.2. Other protocols
The LIN bus on the Li-ion battery can also support protocols defined by other manufacturers,
this support is extended on a regular basis and prone to change. Please contact Super B to
gather information about the supported protocols on the LIN bus.
4.7.3. IO FASTON connection and functionality
The Li-ion battery has three electrical input or output interfaces accessible by FASTON 3, 4
and 7. These interfaces can be used for different purposes, and are configurable with the Be
In Charge App and/or Be In Charge Software.
IO functionality
Generator control (IO 1, output)
Active when SoC is below 20%, off when SoC is
100%, hysteresis of 80 %
Inverter control (IO 2, output)
Active when SoC above 21%, off when SoC is
below 10 %, hysteresis of 11 %
Reserved (IO3)
Reserved for future use
Table 17. IO functionality
The list of supported functionalities will grow in the future. More functionalities will become
available, and can be updated with an update of the battery software and the Be In Charge
App and Be In Charge Software.
The I/O port can service two features: input or output. When used as an input, the input can
measure a digital level between 0 V and 12V (typical value). 12V on the input means that the
input is made active, 0V means input not active.
The I/O port can also serve as an output. When configured as such, the output acts as an
“open drain” output. Open drain means that the output is pulled to 0V when active and is
floating when not active.
All I/O ports are fused with an internal resettable fuse. When overloaded, the output will not
work anymore and the overload or short circuit needs to be taken away to reset the fuse.