Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd
SMG Series Analog Gateway User Manual (Version 1.5.3)
Page 45
Figure 3-45 Add New Dialing Rule
The table below explains the items shown in Figure 3-45.
The unique index of each dialing rule, which denotes its priority. A dialing rule with a
smaller index value has a higher priority and will be checked earlier while matching.
Remarks for the dialing rule. It can be any information, but can not be left empty.
Dialing Rule
Up to 99 dialing rules can be configured in the gateway, and the maximum length of
each dialing rule is 127 characters. See below for the meaning of each character in
the dialing rule. The gateway will do instant matching for your dialing number based
on the dialing rule and regard your dialing as finished upon receiving ‘#’ or dialing
Character Description
“0”~”9” Digits
“A”~”D” Letters
A random number. A string of ‘x’s represents several random
numbers. For example, ‘xxx’ denotes 3 random numbers.
indicates a random amount (including zero) of characters
after it.
“[ ]”
‘[ ]’ is used to define the range for a number. Values within it only
can be digits ‘0~9’, punctuations ‘
‘ and ‘
’. For example,
[1-3,6,8] indicates any one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 6, 8.
’ is used only in ‘[ ]’ between two numbers to indicates any
number between these two numbers.
’ is used to separate numbers or number ranges, representing
Only represents symbol ”*”.
Only set it at the beginning of the string, representing symbol
There are 19 dialing rules already configured on the gateway for easy use. See
below for detailed information.
Priority Dialing