Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd
SMG Series Analog Gateway User Manual (Version 1.5.3)
Page 6
Go out
System is not yet started.
Light up and flash fast
System is starting.
Run Indicator
Flash slowly
System is normal.
Go out
System is normal.
Light up
Upon startup: System is normal.
In runtime: System is abnormal.
Alarm Indicator
System is abnormal.
The startup process consists of two stages: System Booting and Gateway Service
Startup. The system booting costs about 1 minute and once it succeeds, both the run
indicator and the alarm indicator light up. Then after the gateway service is successfully
started and the device begins to work normally, the run indicator flashes and the alarm
indicator goes out.
During runtime, if the alarm indicator lights up or flashes, it indicates that the device goes
abnormal. If you cannot figure out and solve the problem by yourself, please contact our
technicians for help. Go to
Appendix C Technical/sales Support
to find the contact way.