i Series
User Manual
4 . Look through the microscope and raise the work-piece toward the stylus until it makes contact with the electrode .
5 . Once contact is made between the electrode and grounded work-piece; the weld will
automatically initiate . The electrode will retract and energy will be discharged to
form an arc .
Once the energy has discharged, the electrode will return to its original position .
The initial tendency is for people to continue pushing upward as the electrode retracts;
but it is very important to hold the work-piece still during the weld process . Once con-
tact is made, just maintain part position until the weld is over . Pushing up can cause
sticking of the electrode . Pulling away can cancel the formation of the arc .
6 . Use the provided stainless steel weld plate as a guide to try different settings and
practice weld placement . Make several welds on the weld plate to get comfortable
with the stylus and the effects of different weld parameters .
maKe a taCK Weld
*For more information, visit Chapter 2 of the Orion Workbook .
This mode requires the use of (2x) alligator clips or other cables connected to the “Tack +”
and “Tack –“ terminals on the back of the power supply (do not attempt to use the “Pulse
Arc +” terminals for Tack Welds) .
From the HOME SCREEN, press the TACK button to bring up the Tack Controls . Select
Medium from the Quick Power Settings row, Short from the Pre-Weld Delay row, press
the Pedal button, and toggle the Weld ON .
Attach the negative alligator clip to one work-piece and the positive alligator clip to the
other work-piece .
Lightly touch the two work-pieces together where you want to tack them . Too much
pressure can weaken the tack strength, too little pressure can cause arcing between
the two surfaces and lead to sparks or poor tack quality .
Step on the foot pedal . After the short weld delay, energy will discharge and the weld will take place . Try to
maintain even pressure throughout the weld process . Having a lack of pressure
will result in a hotter weld and could cause a spark . Having too much pressure will
result in a colder weld and could result in an unsuccessful tack weld .
If the work-pieces stay together, proceed to the Arc screen to perform a perma-
nent weld using the Pulse Arc Welding Stylus . If the pieces do not stay together,
move the Total Energy up and repeat steps 2-4 .
fIndIng the rIght settIngs
Several different factors can have an effect on the way the welder will behave for any
given combination of settings (i .e . types of metal being used, thickness of metal, geometry of the work-pieces, gaps
between mating surfaces, electrode size and shape, gauge of ground wire, argon coverage, etc .) . For this reason, it