i Series
User Manual
Save/ Load Screen
The Orion i3 can save and load your weld settings for future use .
save settIngs
To save your current weld parameters, press the SAVE ICON on the row of Header Buttons . The parameters will be repre-
sented in the graphic waveform window .
Click on the field below the Graph to enter a
name for the saved weld settings . i .e . “ring tip-
ping” . The keypad will automatically pull up .
Enter any notes regarding the weld process if
Click the “Save as New” button . This stores the
file for retrieval at a later date . The saved file
will appear in the column on the left .
Click the “Save” to save the current settings
over another already saved weld setting .
load settIngs
Saved Weld Setting files can be loaded (the weld settings will all change to whatever had been saved) .
Look for the desired file in the column on the left side or search for the file name by entering it into the search box .
Press “Alphabetical” to sort the list by starting letter or “Creation” to sort the list by order created . Pressing either but-
ton again will reverse the order listed, i .e . (a-z, z-a) .
Pressing on the file name will bring it up in the graph window .
Press the “Load” button and the settings will be applied to the welder and return to the HOME SCREEN .
The settings screen provides access to various system settings and weld parameter settings . A row of buttons lists the
configurable features .
Clicking on any of the settings buttons (shown in image above) will bring up the available options in that category as de-
scribed below: