A. Safety guidelines
B. Installation instructions
C. Manual
D. Warranty
incorrecte, au non-respect des manuels de montage, d’installation et de sécurité ou encore à
des éléments indépendants de la volonté de SunnyTent BV, incluant (liste non exhaustive), usure
anormale, feu, inondation, gel, neige, pluie verglaçante, grêle et autres conditions atmosphériques.
De plus, toutes modifications apportées au produit annule la garantie.
5. La SunnyTent sera installée en extérieur pendant de longs mois et elle sera soumise aux conditions
météorologiques. Par conséquent, les parties métalliques peuvent montrer après un certain temps
des traces de rouille. Cette rouille n’empêche pas la SunnyTent d’être utilisée et n’est donc pas
couverte par la garantie.
6. Lisez le manuel d’utilisation, consultez les instructions de montage et d’installation, visionnez
la vidéo d’instruction avec attention et respectez les conseils relatifs au montage, à l’installation
et à l’utilisation de votre SunnyTent. Inspectez à chaque fois la SunnyTent avant et après utilisation.
Si vous ne respectez pas ces conseils, la garantie est caduque.
Warning: not suitable for children under the age of 3; risk of entanglement / strangulation and
trapped hands, feet, fingers and toes!
Warning: risk of drowning. Do not let children play without supervision!
Warning: keep away from fire!
Warning: when using disinfectants for swimming water always follow the guidelines for safe
usage as indicated by the manufacturer / supplier of these products!
Warning: only adults should assemble the SunnyTent!
Warning: pay attention so you do not step on, or trip over the tent pegs!
Warning: keep hands, fingers, feet and toes away from the anchors (with hinges) and tent pegs!
Warning: the SunnyTent is not an alternative for parental supervision.
Warning: the SunnyTent can be used as a tent over an inground trampoline. Please keep in mind
that the SunnyTent is not a safety net that prevents a person from falling off a trampoline. The
SunnyTent is only intended to keep the trampoline (and the people on it) dry, clean and
pleasantly warm!
Warning: the SunnyTent can be used as a tent over a swimming pool. Keep in mind, that besides
the other warnings, other general rules concerning water safety apply.
o Make sure that there is constant supervision! When children use the swimming pool (with or
without the SunnyTent) adult supervision is required!
o Learn to swim!
o Follow a First Aid Course and learn mouth-to-mouth resuscitation / reanimation!
o Make sure that you are familiar with the dangers associated with water, and the necessary
safety precautions to be taken!
o Make sure that the users of the swimming pool (with or without the SunnyTent) are familiar
with the safety precautions in case of emergency!
o Always use common sense with respect to games and activities in the water!
o Supervise!
Warning: when your SunnyTent is securely closed, it will offer some protection against people
(and small children) and animals accidently entering your pool. However, this is not the function
of the SunnyTent. Please ensure that there is always supervision.
Warning: do not play or stay in an enclosed SunnyTent.
o Always keep it sufficiently ventilated (for fresh air and healthy temperatures)! A circular
SunnyTent must be opened at least 40% before entering (and staying / playing in) it.
o During wind or gusts of wind with a force of 4 Bft or higher, do not play or swim under a partially
opened SunnyTent. This is to prevent someone getting caught by / trapped under a collapsed tent.
o Only play or swim in a partially opened SunnyTent if there is permanent adult supervision;
this supervising adult should be outside the tent. This is to prevent anyone from becoming
strangled by, or suffocating under a collapsed SunnyTent if it collapses due to wind, and / or
wrongful installation and / or a defect with the SunnyTent itself.
Warning: check the SunnyTent regularly for loose parts and potentially missing parts. Repair the
potential defects before continuing the use of the SunnyTent!
Warning: If you use the SunnyTent after sunset or before sunrise, make sure that there is sufficient
lighting to adhere to the safety guidelines, the SunnyTent itself and the pathways are visible / well lit!
Warning: also study all other information and guidelines of this manual!
Warning: the instructions and safety guidelines that are enclosed with this product, only indicate
general dangers and not specific risks and dangers. Use common sense and sound judgement
when using the SunnyTent. Make sure you read, understand and follow the instructions carefully
before installation and use!
Warning: not following safety instructions and the manual can result in accidents, which can
sometimes result in extreme injury or even death!
Warning: the SunnyTent is only intended for private use and not for corporate and / or (semi)
public use!
Warning: Ultimately, the user is responsible for the correct use of the SunnyTent.
On our website (www.sunnytent.com) you will find the installation instruction video. Please
use the video as a guideline for the installation / assembly of your SunnyTent. This paper guide
is intended to serve as a support and an addition to the video.