Chassis Lubrication System
The Lubrication System consists of fittings at various points on the
car, as shown on the Lubrication Chart, page 14, through which
is forced te the bearing surface by means of a pressure gun.
Use of Grease Gun
When the gun is pressed against a fitting on the car a push on the
pistol grip nandle develops a high pressure in the nozzle tube and auto.
matically opens a ball check in the tube and one in the fitting, per_
mitting the lubricant to pass through into the bearing. Usually, by one
full stroke of the plunger, enough lubricant is delivered to the bearing
but in some instances more than one stroke may be necessary. This is
especially true if air is encountered, due to improper filling, and can be
remedied by tapping the nozzle end of the gun on a piece of wood to
jar the grease down.
Because of the cupped shape of the nozzle and the small flat tip of
the fitting in this system, a grease tight seal is secured when holding the
gun at any point within 12 degrees of the axis of the fitting, giving a
total effective range of 25 degrees. Exact alignment between the gun
and the fitting is unnecessary, but approximate alignment is recom_
mended in order to avoid exceeding the limits.
To Fill Grease Gun
Remove the cap and plunger assembly (cork plunger will come out
with this assembly). With an improvised paddle fill the cylinder with
a good clean lubricant. To avoid air bubbles and get the full capacity
of the gun, jar the grease down by tapping the nozzle end of the
cylinder gently on a piece of wood.
In replacing the plunger assembly, push the cork plunger in against
the lubricant.
General Care
See that the hub flange bolts are kept tightened and that the rear
wheels are drawn tight on the axle shafts.
Wire Wheels—After operating the car for the first fifty to seventy-
five miles, the wheels are worked in and the nuts holdind the wheels to
the hubs should be tightened. No further adjustment is necessary. Keep
the rear wheels drawn tight on the axle shafts.
To lubricate the front wheel bearings, both inner and outer, remove
the wheels and spread grease on the cage holding the rollers. Also fill
the hub and hub cap. Should the presence of grit be detected wash the
bearings thoroughly in gasoline, dry them and repack with grease: