For Safety
When about to make a right-hand turn, approach the
corner on the extreme right. Do not drive up the mid-
dle of the street before making a right turn. This would
necessitate cutting across in front of the car behind and
would place the responsibility of an accident upon you.
When about to make a left-hand turn, approach the
corner near the center of the street, but not on the left-
hand side. Do not drive up on the extreme right and do
not cut diagonally across the corner. Approach the in-
tersection as illustrated and make a sharp turn to the left.
Keep to the extreme right when going around a turn
in the road. This will avoid all interference with any
car coming from the opposite direction. Never attempt
to pass a car going in the same direction on a curve, as
this would necessitate driving out near the left-hand side.
Keep to the extreme right when going over a hill and
do not pass a car going in the same direction when near
the top as this would put you directly in the path of a
car coming over the hill from the opposite direction.
Many accidents happen because automobiles become
stalled on railroad tracks. It is wise to shift into second
speed before crossing railroad tracks, particularly if there
is a slight grade at the crossing, or if the tracks are ob-
scured by hills, trees or buildings.
Drivers should stop ten feet behind street cars which
have stopped to load or unload passengers. In some
cities where there are safety zones, automobiles are per-
mitted to pass standing cars if they do so slowly and at
least eight feet from the side of the car. People who
have just alighted from a trolley o car are sometimes be-
wildered and do not know which way to go. Give them
plenty of time to get their bearings before attempting
to pass them.