Cleaning Top
In cleaning the top, the best way is to wash it with Ivory or other
mild soap and warm water, using a soft sponge for applying the Water.
Afterwards, the soapy water should be rinsed off and the top dried with
a clean, damp chamois skin. Never rub the soap directly on the top.
Folding Top.
In folding the top on open models the following instructions should
be closely followed :
The top should be carefully folded. If the material is left between
the bows, it will become chafed and soon leak. Do not fold while wet.
Attach the top boot to the rear of body between the top bow holders.
Unfasten the gypsy curtains from body and top bow, and fold them
back against the inner side of the rear curtain.
Fold the top down, pulling the top deck straight out and making
sure that no material is left between bows.
Roll up the top deck and place it between the front and back bows
of the top.
The top boot can now be placed in position.
When raising the top remove the top boot, unroll the top deck and
throw it forward over the bows.
Do not let it unroll and hang down towards the ground. The top
may be raised by pushing it up in back with both hands. Then step
on the running board, grasp the top bow with one hand and push the
second top bow up and forward with the other hand. The top will then
fall into place and can be locked to the windshield posts with the set
Side Curtains—The curtains used with the above top are fastened in
position by "Lift the Dot" fasteners. These are released exactly as
the name implies, by lifting the end of the fastener having a dot stamped
on it. They cannot be released any other way.
Never put away the curtains until they are clean and dry. Dirt will
scratch the celluloid windows. Fold the curtains carefully so as not
to crack the windows.
Cleanliness of the car in general cannot be too strongly emphasized.
See that the running gear is thoroughly cleaned when the car is
washed. These parts will operate much better if not allowed to become
caked with dirt.
Keep the upholstery, carpets and under side of the top clean.
Wipe off the engine occasionally to keep it free from excessive oil
and grease which would collect dust and dirt.
Periodical Inspections
During the first five hundred miles a new car . is driven, a certain
amount of wear takes place which is relatively greater than at any other
time in the life of the car. It is essential, therefore, to have the car
thoroughly inspected and tightened at this time and, although instruc-
tions are given in the pages under "Adjustments" for some of these