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d) Whilst taking care not to drop/lose the wire holder inside the tank, thread the
split washer onto the wire holder and then with the aid of the split, insert the
washer into the hole in a spiral manner. Place washer into the body and
against the flange.
e) Thread the rubber washer followed by the ‘O’-ring onto the wire holder
and push them through the hole and onto the body until they are against the
copper washer.
Note: The ‘O’-ring is to help position the flange in the hole due to material
thickness in order to aid sealing.
f) The whole assembly can now be pulled into position by pulling gently on the
wire holder.
Note: Take care to see that the body is in the centre of the hole, using the
outer marked circle as a guide.
g) Holding the fitting firmly in position, add the second rubber washer and brass
washer. Screw the nut onto the end of the thread. Apply jointing compound
(not supplied) to thread before screwing up.
Note: Before tightening the joint make sure the connection is within the outer
guide circle previously marked and then make the joint as tight as possible.
Fig. 8
Hole in tank
Split washer
Fig. 9
Rubber washer
Wire holder
Fig. 10
Brass washer
Wire holder
Body in tank
Rubber washer