(Note: Be sure that safety pins have been removed prior to operating bucket.)
Load a predetermined amount of sand into bucket and follow with bags of gypsum.
With mixer running and predetermined amount of water in mixer, raise the bucket to full
extent of lift. The tilt bucket slowly allowing materials to discharge into mixer over a
period of 10 to 15 seconds, (AVOID OVERLOADING MIXER). Return bucket to
ground position for reloading. After mix has mixed thoroughly, open mixer door and
dump into mixer. Close mixer door. Engage pump and start pumping.
There is more danger of a plug-up when first starting the material through
hose. Keep a close watch on pressure gauge and stop pump immediately if pressure
suddenly rises. Remove pressure and locate plug and clean as described before. After
materials have discharged from hoses, continue mixing and pumping. Never run the
pump “dry” or this will cause severe wear on rotor & stator. After 3 or 4 hours of
operation, grease the mixer bearing fittings and the packing chamber on the pump drive
assembly. Also, grease at end of each day’s operation, regardless of the length of tie
Pump most all of materials from holding hopper each batch, Prior to dumping
a new batch, as gypsum will start setting in a few minutes and can cause a “plug-up”.
Build up inside the material hopper around the drive components will cause severe wear
and restrict the rotation of the pump.
Clean Up
During design, emphasis was placed on making the machine simple to clean at the end of the day.
The following is recommended procedure for clean-up practiced by Strong Manufacturing which
has proven to be a time saver.
Throughout the day wash material spillage away.
While the last batch is in the hopper, being pumped, take the wash down hose and wash
inside of mixer, thoroughly.