Strong-Mater Mixer
(Dwg. #86000007)
The Strong-Mate Mixer is a completely new idea in mixers...designed for mixing most varieties of
cementitious materials. The Mixer is designed to give a MAXIMUM amount of agitation, complete
dispersement of the cement sand, and admixtures in as short mixing cycle as is possible.
To accomplish this, we use two inter-connected fixed drums with two self-wiping ribbon paddles that
counter-rotate. The mix is brought to the center where it gets an EXTRA ORDINARY and VIOLENT
mixing action – but does no “beat” the mix as is the case with the conventional types paddle mixers. The
amount of mixing time to bring the mixture into a completely homogeneous mix under normal conditions
is 15 to 20 seconds.
When it is necessary to stop the machine or to delay dumping a mix, the Mixer should be stopped from
rotating. Mixer should be thoroughly cleaned after each day’s use to prevent a buildup of cement on
blades and walls of Mixers.
The Mixer has a set of packing chambers with 5 rings of packing, at either end of blade shafts to prevent
water and the mix from getting into the flange bearings. One fitting, on each of the flange bearings, is for
HOUSING. These should be greased every four hours of operation and at the end of each day’s
operation. Enough grease is injected to show at the end of the packing housing inside of Mixer after the
washing up operation. This insures that any materials that have worked past the seals is discharged out
and cannot harden inside and prevent the sealing action.
Grease the fittings on the sides of the bearing housing every six months. These fittings are provided for
greasing the race of the bearings and are pre-packed at the factory. Too much grease here can shorten the
life of the bearing more than not greasing it at all.
DO NOT remove mixer guard or put hand in mixer in any way without stopping the engine and
removing the ignition switch key. Always put mixer hydraulic control valve in neutral prior to stopping
engine and checking to see if it is in neutral prior to starting engine. When cleaning mixer at end of day’s
operation, it is necessary to wash out loose materials removed during clean-up. REPLACE the mixer
guard before starting engine. Failure to do so could result in severe bodily injury.