The hose reel is hydraulically powered. In order to remove the hose from the reel, the directional
control valve lever must be in the “UP” position. This valve is located at the rear of the trailer,
facing the rear of the machine, the valve is located behind the right fender.
Remove only enough hose as needed for the day’s operation. The best place to protect hose not
being used is to leave it on the reel.
Prior to attaching the hose to the pump, the bell reducer has to be in place on the pump. The bell
reducer serves two functions. It provides a transition of flow from the materials pump to the size
of hose being used.
The most important function of the bell reducer is that it contains the pressure gauge that gives a
direct reading of the amount of pressure required to move materials through the hose.
The amount of pumping pressure required to move materials through a hose is a function of
several things.
The type of slurry being pumped.
Water content.
The use of admixtures.
Length of hoses being used.
Height material is being pumped.
The pressure gauge is a quick indicator of a plug-up. If pressure rises fast, a plug has occurred.
If a plug occurs, the pump should be run in reverse until the pressure gauge read “0” PSI.