This section is not intended to be a course in dealing with skydiving emergencies. It is sim-
ply a general description of how the Quasar II emergency parachute is deployed.
In order for the reserve container to preform as designed, it is recommended that the jumper
be in a stable face to earth position when deploying the reserve. However, there are some instances
that require use of the reserve now, and in these situations simply pulling the reserve should take
precedence over pulling with stability.
1. First, look at and grasp the reserve ripcord handle with both hands.
2. In one motion, vigorously pull the reserve ripcord handle to full arm’s length.
3. Arch hard into a stable, student type freefall position.
Currently the CYPRES AAD is the only unit that is approved for use with the Quasar II har-
ness/container system. All CYPRES channels and pockets are factory-stitched into the rig and no
modifications are necessary. Installation requires no tools and can be accomplished by a senior or
master rigger in under five minutes using the following technique.
1. Slide the processing unit into its spandex pocket located inside the reserve container on the bot-
tom flap. Ensure that the unit is oriented so that the exiting wires lie adjacent to the bottom wall of
the container.
2. First route the release unit (cutter) up through the grommet located near the base of the bottom
sub flap, and then through the channel, sewn to the left side flap and seat it into the elastic pocket.
The hole in the end of the release unit should be aligned with the flap’s grommet.
3. Now route the control unit up through the supplied channel located on the bottom of the reserve
container. After exiting the end of the channel the control unit is then inserted through the slot to the
channel’s immediate right and seated into its pocket inside the backpad. A short section of Type III
tape is stitched into the pocket to aid in installation.
4. Coil all excess cables in front of the processing unit and cover them with the supplied flap by mat-
ing its Velcro. Coils should not be smaller than 1” diameter.
Note: Use only special CYPRES closing loop with washer when installing this AAD.
All batteries, which are 2 years or longer in a CYPRES, must be replaced. CYPRES needs to be
returned four years from the original date of manufacture as stated on the unit label. A “window” of
plus/minus three months is allowed. CYPRES News 12/95.
Quasar II Owners Manual Rev.C 11/2000
Strong Enterprises