Page 12
Configuring the Audio streaming settings
The following screen is shown now:
In this screen you see 2 streams which can be configured independent from each other.
Streaming modus can be configured to external icecast-1 server, external icecast-2 server, external shoutcast
server, internal icecast server or disabled.
For both the internal and external icecast/shoutcast server, the following settings can be configured:
Stream Quality: here you select the bitrate of the stream. The higher the bitrate, the higher the audio quality but
also the more bandwith is required for the listeners.
Title of Stream: here you can give a short description of the stream.
Stream Mountpoint: the name of the stream which comes back in the URL.
When using the internal icecast server you also should configure the following parameters:
Maximum clients (listeners): the number of listeners which can listen to this stream simultaneously. This
parameter is important when the bandwith to the internet is limited.
When using an external streaming server the following parameters should be configured:
External StreamServer: URL of the external streaming server.
Up-Stream Port: Port to which the encoder stream should be send to.
Stream usercode: username of the encoder stream.