19 620 02 0117
Cleaning, Maintenance, Overhaul
The suction cup made of polycarbonate has a pore-free surface so that dirt does not
cling easily to it.
• Wipe the suction cup with a soft tissue moistened with water (recommended is
microfibre), never rub with a dry tissue!
Never rub the suction cup with a dry tissue.
For efficient cleaning we recommend using a non abrasive detergent suitable for
• Oily dirt can be removed by gently rubbing with a soft tissue soaked with deter-
gent suitable for polycarbonate.
Polycarbonate has a good electrical insulation property which results in electrostatic
charging and attraction of dust.
Before treatment it is recommended to remove the surface adhering dust by blowing
with ionized air.
Avoid damaging the suction cup !
Sharp tools, abrasive or strongly alkaline detergents, solvents, leaded benzine and
carbon tetrachloride should not be used.
All mechanical cleaning systems for example brushes are not allowed.
Corrosive cleaning agents and sharp devices are not allowed.
The suction cup consists of polycarbonate.
Do not place in ultrasonic bath.
Do not place in a washing maschine.
• Wipe the suction cup with a soft tissue soaked with a suitable surface disinfectant
(microfibre is recommended).
• Inject the suction cup with a disinfection spray
• Let the suction cup dry.
The service life of the suction cup can only be reached, if no others as the re-
commended cleaning and disinfction agents are used.
After frequent cleaning and disinfection cycles a clouding of the suction cup
may occur, but does not affect the functioning.