Reprocessing USA and Canada
Instruction For Use • C-MAC
Video Laryngoscope 8403xxx and Connection Cable 8403X • 96076019EN-US •
NOTE: Please consult the SS1E Operator Manual for complete instructions on the proper use
of the SS1E Liquid Chemical Sterilant processing system.
8.10 High-level disinfection
Damage to the product
High-level disinfection should ONLY be used for instruments which come into contact with
intact mucous membranes.
Damage to the product
Before disinfection, the device must be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed, and dried.
Damage to the product
Hydrogen-peroxide-based disinfectants may cause cosmetic changes to the devices that do
not impact the functionality of the devices.
For the production and application of solutions, the chemical manufacturer's
specifications regarding concentration, exposure time, and life span must be strictly
adhered to. An excess exposure time or incorrect concentration can lead to damage.
Bear in mind the microbiological range of action of the chemicals used.
This device may be chemically disinfected using CIDEX, a 2.4% glutaraldehyde solution,
CIDEX OPA, a 0.55% ortho-phthaldehyde solution, or Resert XL HLD, a 2% concentration of
hydrogen peroxide.
1. Activate the disinfecting solution per manufacturer's instructions.
2. Place device in disinfectant solution. Ensure that no air bubbles are present on the surface
of the device.
3. The following KARL STORZ validated conditions must be met to achieve high-level
– CIDEX: Immerse for 45 minutes at 25°C (77°F).
– CIDEX OPA: Immerse for 12 minutes at 20°C (68°F).
– Resert XL HLD: Immerse for 8 minutes at 20°C (68°F).
After disinfection is complete, remove the device from the disinfection solution and
completely immerse in distilled/demineralized water. Keep immersed for one minute.
Discard the water and repeat with fresh water for a total of 3 immersion rinses.
NOTE: If using Resert XL HLD, only one immersion rinse cycle is necessary.
Dry the device and the contacts with a soft, lint-free, sterile cloth or clean, dry, oil-free
compressed air (< 5psi).
8.11 Reprocessing limits
The product’s service life and correct functioning are largely determined by mechanical stress
and chemical influences within the scope of reprocessing and application.