SPORTS (athlete)
Use the PLUS or MINUS buttons to select an exercise program. Select Sport mode by
pressing the MODE / ENTER button.
Use the PLUS or MINUS buttons to select the Sports-Athlete 1 ~ 4 program (Figure 8) by
pressing the MODE / ENTER button.
Use the PLUS or MINUS buttons to set TIME.
Press the START/STOP button to start the training. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to
adjust the load level.
Press the START/STOP button to pause the training. Press the RESET button to return to
the main menu.
Figure 8
CARDIO (cardio)
Use the PLUS or MINUS buttons to select an exercise program. Select H.R.C. by pressing
the MODE / ENTER button.
Use the PLUS or MINUS buttons to set your age (AGE) (Figure 9).
Use the PLUS or MINUS buttons to select 55% (Figure 10). 75%.90% or TAG (Target Heart
Rate), (pre-set heart rate: 100).
Use the PLUS or MINUS buttons to set TIME.
Press the START/STOP button to pause the training. Press the RESET button to return to
the main menu.
Figure 9
Figure 10