Waterboard V2 Hatch Update
This Waterboard kit has been updated to version
2 and now features our quick release hatch as
standard within the kit. The following instructions
detail the new hatch construction and installation
to your Waterboard.
Prior to assembly of electronics / battery
access hatch top locate H1, H2, and Three
Way Latch. Sand both sides of parts and the
edges of H1 round to prevent the hatch top
from later wearing the rubber gasket material.
Assemble electronics / battery top hatch
cover from ply parts H1 and H2 as illustrated.
Thoroughly seal the assembled hatch cover
and latch using the techniques described on
page 14 of this manual.
Insert one 4-40 x 3/8 in. Machine Screw
through one #4 Flat Washer and install
through latch as illustrated.
Place one #4 Flat Washer on top of hatch
cover, centered over pivot hole for latch
assembly. Now, install latch to top of hatch
Retain latch assembly to hatch cover by
installing a third #4 Flat Washer and 4-40 nut
over end of machine screw. Snug nut to
remove any play in assembly but allow latch
to spin with minimal resistance. Secure nut
with thread locking compound or thin CA glue.
© 2010 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved. V2.0 (11.10.2014)
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