Sealing and Finishing with DEFT
Seal the grain! The plywood bottom requires
little sealing of the grain, in-fact, just a few
coats of DEFT lacquer spray will smooth it out
nicely. The top and sides of hull, however,
will benefit greatly from a couple of thin coats
of sanding sealer. I suggest you make your
own sealer from a mixture of equal amounts
(by volume) of DEFT brushing lacquer and
talc (baby powder) creating a pancake batter
like mix. Apply an even coat of sanding
sealer exterior surface of hull allowing to dry
(about 30 min) before sanding smooth with
400 grit paper. Apply sealer in same fashion
to vertical fin (rudder), battery hatch, and
motor mount. Repeat process at least once.
Coat hull, hatch cover, motor mount, and
vertical fin with at least two coats of DEFT
clear lacquer spray, allow to dry, then add
your color scheme from a compatible lacquer
based paint. Follow up color spray with at
least 3 coats of DEFT.
Notes: Sand lightly
with 600 grit paper between applications of
lacquer. When applying each coat of lacquer
do not forget to seal the interior of the access
hatches. Additionally, don’t forget to seal the
inside of the motor mount.
Final Assembly
Apply self-stick gasket material to top of hull
matching pre-drilled holes in gasket to those
in the hull.
ATTENTION the three holes on
the large rectangular gasket face towards the
stern while the end with no holes faces bow.
Install the antenna tube to hull. Tube should
extend at least 1/8 in. under top deck. Retain
with Medium CA glue.
Install rubber bushing with base 1-5/16 in.
from end of 4 in. length of 3/32 wire.
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