Final Assembly
107. Electronically
the wing servo (this should be connected to the
ELEVATOR port of your receiver) and ensure that the control horn is
oriented at the proper 45 degree angle. Adjust the length of the wing
saddle pushrods until the pointer on the wing saddle is on the
mark on the wing pylon, with the servo and
control stick (on
your transmitter) in the
position. This setting will allow level flight
at about half throttle. With the transmitter stick full
, the pointer
should be at the
mark (high rates)
and NOT BEYOND! Moving the
wing saddle beyond this mark will cause erratic or uncontrollable
With the transmitter stick
, the pointer should be at or
near the
mark. Exceeding
mark is acceptable, but may
cause “porpoising” in normal flight.
Once properly setup, bond the heat shrink tubing to the wing saddle push
rods using thin CA glue. Never attempt flight without checking to ensure this
push rod assembly is secure.
108. Cut the provided 1/8 in. x 4-1/2 in. dowel into one 3 in. length and one 1-1/2
in. length. Open the covering over the holes in the fuselage sides
of the cockpit with a warm soldering iron. Insert the 3 in.
dowel through the holes,
it within the fuselage with about 1/2
in. extending from each fuselage side. Bond with thin CA.
109. Open the covering over the holes in the fuselage sides
vertical stabilizer. Insert the 1-1/2 in. dowel through the holes and
within the fuselage with equal lengths extending from each fuselage side.
Bond with thin CA.
110. Mount the propeller to the motor. With the recommended motor, you will
need a 2mm prop adaptor [EFLM1920]. This prop adaptor will require the
propellor [GW/EP0603] to be reamed out to fit.
111. Mount each front and rear wing with at least two #16 rubber bands.
Congratulations! Assembly of your S-POU! (300) is complete! Proceed to to the Flight
Control Setup and Pre Flight sections.
Build Instructions
S-Pou! 300
- Build Instructions © 2011 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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