Main Wing
60. Fit leading edge part W16 to part W15, ribs W3 and between the leading
edge on both
wing panels. Hold center section down on a
flat surface. Ensure both wingtips are the same distance above the table,
and final bond the center section parts to ribs W3 and the leading and
trailing edges with thin CA.
61. Fit and bond the ply trailing edge reinforcement W17 to the gap spanning
the trailing edge parts W6 and part W14.
62. Assemble spar cap W18 from parts W18a and W18b. Bond with thin CA.
63. Fit spar cap W18 to the notches in the ribs above the main spar. The
of the spar cap should rest in the angled cut at the
of the
main spar. Ensure that there are no gaps between the spar and the spar
cap, then bond the spar cap to the main spar, ribs, and wing tip sheeting.
64. Fit turbulator spars W19 and W20 to notches in the
portion of
the wing ribs and the wing tip sheeting. One end of the spars will end within
of the slot in ribs W3, and the other end will rest in the notches
within the wing tip sheeting. DO NOT BOND.
65. Fit center section turbulator spars W21 and W22 to the notches in ribs W3,
between the full length turbulator spars. Now, working along one wing panel
at a time, hold wing panel flat to your building surface and bond all W19,
W20, W21, and W22 turbulator spars within wing assembly.
66. Lightly sand your completed wing, rounding the leading edge to match the
airfoil profile on “Detail Sheet 2 of 2” and leaving the trailing edge square.
Sand the tips of the leading edge stock to flow smoothly into the wing tips.
Set the wing aside until Final Assembly.
Build Instructions
S-Pou! 300
- Build Instructions © 2011 Stevens AeroModel, all rights reserved.
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