Fuselage Continued
Repeat the procedure in Step 23 to fit and install doublers F25 and F26 within the fuselage
sides inside of doublers F23 and F24.
Sand fuselage sides where they may extend aft of former F7. Fuselage sides must finish
flush with the back side of former F7 before proceeding (represented by a dashed line in the
assembly photo). Now, on parts sheet 09/24 you will find several strips of wood marked
“Fuselage Stringers”. Remove the two 3/16 in. square stringers that measure 18 in. long.
Dry fit, one each, stringer within the
side notches of formers F7, F8, F9 and
Note: The forward end of the stringer should seat flush within the notch of the
fuselage side at F7.
The 3/16 in. square stringers installed above will terminate along F17/F18. Square the
assembly on a flat surface and bond the stringer to each former, the fuselage sides, and
Locate part F27 and fit between the fuselage stringer and the
side rail F2. When
installed correctly, the etched part number will be right-side-up and on the outer face of the
part. Bond with thin CA.
Repeat the process in step 27 to install part F28 on the
side of the fuselage.
Locate two sets of parts F29a, F29b, and F29c. These will form the
Rear Wing
Dowel Mounting Block. Make two stacks in order: “a” on the bottom, then “b”, then “c”.
Note that the grain of parts F29b run vertical, while the grain of parts F29a and F29c run
horizontal. When assembled, this will create a strong, cross-grained block. DO NOT
Use the longer of the 3/16 in. diameter dowels, supplied with your kit, as a jig to assist with
the installation of the Rear Wing Dowel Mounting Block. Slide the dowel through the hole in
the spine F13 immediately behind former F7.
DO NOT BOND! This dowel must be
removed after this assembly step.
With the concave edge of parts F29a/b/c facing aft,
slide a complete set of parts F29a/b/c onto each end of the dowel, at
side of
the spine. Using SMALL drops of medium CA, tack glue parts F29 to each other, the spine
F13, former F7, and the fuselage stringer underneath. Now, remove the dowel from the
assembly and wick thin CA between the parts F29 and the spine, former, and stringer.
Ensure that the hole through the mounting block is not blocked by excess use of glue.
Builders Tip! If you find that you’ve inadvertently tack glued the dowel within the assembly,
quickly grab a pair of pliers, grip an end of the dowel, and give a firm twist to break the CA
glue bond. If you’ve thoroughly bonded this dowel within the assembly you’ll need to leave
it be, cut and sand it flush, and later drill the hole back out.
The risk of bonding this dowel within the fuselage almost outweighs the benefits of using
CA glue in this step. If you are careful with your CA glue application and understand the
usage of medium and thin CA glues you should have no problem completing the step above
as described. Otherwise we suggest using a slow set aliphatic wood glue (carpenters glue)
or white glue to bond these parts together giving adequate time to align parts and remove
the dowel.
Build Instructions
FullHouse™ 500 Build Instructions. © 2012 Stevens AeroModel. All rights reserved.
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