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Scaling (SCAL).
Filter P and Round (FILt).
Analog output configuration (Anout).
Serial output configuration (rSout).
Logic inputs configuration (LoGIn).
Programming of the key TARE (tArE).
Direct access to the Setpoints value configuration (SEtVAL).
The first four and “SEtVAL” only appear if the corresponding relay
or NPN/ PNP options have been installed; “SCAL”, “FiltP” and “tARE”
do not appear when the instrument’s configured for temperature
measurement. “Anout” will appear when either the mA or Voltage
output options are installed, and “rSout” when the RS485 option is
6.1 – Security menu diagram
The following flow chart shows the security menu for the
programming lockout. Access to this menu is from the run mode by
pressing the
key for 3 seconds, until the "CodE" indication
The instrument is shipped from the factory with the following
default code: "0000". When this code is entered, the “LISt”
indication will appear, from which the parameters lockout can be
entered. Access to the "CHAnG" menu will allow the user to change
the default code to one of their own choice. Changing the personal
code overwrites the original code.
If an incorrect code is entered, the instrument will return
automatically to the run mode.
Total lockout programming is achieved by changing “totLC" to 1,
changing it to 0, will lead to the selective lockout of the
programming variables. Programming each one of the parameters
to 1 will enable the lockout; if they are set to 0 programming will be
accessible. Though the programming is locked out, it remains
possible to view the current programming.
The "StorE" indication informs that the modifications have been
stored correctly.