Instruction Manual
Configure Safe Volume Rebuild Storage Policy
This SAT3540ER feature is provided to manage rebuilds of Safe volumes.
When is a rebuild necessary?
A rebuild is initiated to restore data redundancy for a Safe volume that
has entered a vulnerable state. In a vulnerable state, one of the two
mirrored disks goes offline or beomes inaccessible. Although the Safe
volume remains available during the rebuild process, the volume is
susceptible to data loss through damage of the remaining disk, until data
redundancy is restored through a rebuild.
The rebuild feature also applies to other policies such as Safe + Big and
Safe + Fast.
What happens during a rebuild?
The rebuild process restores data redundancy by first utilizing space
allocated for a Hot Spare. In case Hot Spare space does not exist or has
already been rebuilt, the SteelVine processor rebuilds to empty space on
a hard disk drive other than the one containing vulnerable data. Follow-
ing a rebuild, it is not necessary to designate space to a Hot Spare for a
subsequent rebuild to occur.