SF-HC25C3 Height Controller
to 24V when the light is on.
P01: arc pressure adjustment precision. Example: the arc pressure adjustment
precision is set to 1V, and the arc pressure is set to be less than 1V under the
actual arc pressure, so it is not necessary to have the automatic height
adjustment, the unit: V (V), set the range of 0.1V~ 10V.
P02: the sensitivity coefficient, the greater the coefficient, the higher the
sensitivity. The sensitivity is too high to cause the torch to vibrate in a balanced
position. Default value 2, set range 1~ 10.
P03: manual (key and CNC control) increase speed, setting range 10~ 99.
P04: manual (key and CNC control) drop speed, set range 10~ 99.
P05: automatic rising speed, automatic tracking speed, setting range of 10~ 99.
P06: automatic descent speed, automatic tracking speed, setting range of 10~ 99.
P07: locate the speed of descent, the speed of decrease after the arc signal is
effective, set the range of 10~ 99.
P08: positioning the rising speed and the rising speed of the arc signal, setting
the range of 10~ 99.
P09: the arc success feedback reference voltage, actual arc pressure < (setting
v voltage) or actual arc pressure > (setting voltage - this voltage), unit: V
(V), set range 0~ 99.
P10: two-speed positioning speed decrease time, arc signal then effective use
P07 decline in a certain time after falling at the rate of half P07, until meet steel
plate, the parameters suggest that less than the time of P20, set to zero without
this feature, unit: second, setting range 0 ~ 9.9.
P11: arc voltage protection voltage. The voltage is added to the set voltage to
prevent the arc pressure from increasing abruptly and the cutting torch is
reduced, unit: V. Set range 0~ 255.
P12-- -p14 system reservation
P15: motor forward and backward switching, when the moment of moment of
cutting and lifting is inconsistent, it can change the direction of operation of the
motor by this parameter, setting a range of 0~ 1.
P16: brake, motor inertia big can set this parameter under the condition of
proper braking, the default is 0, the larger the value of parking the nasty, this
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