D-F0382 NP-266/366 Product specifications Ver.1.10
20) Barcode width size setting : << GS w n >>
Code: [1D] h + [77] h + n
Specifies the width of barcode.
* The default value of n is '3'.
21) Barcode height setting
: << GS h n1 n2 >>
Code:[1D] h + [68] h + n1 + n2
* ['01'
Specifies the height of barcode (mm).
* n1n2 indicates the height of barcode in mm.
* The default value of n1n2 is '20'.
22) HRI characters print/edit setting
: << GS H n >>
Code: [1D] h + [48] h + n
* ['0'
* Specify print/edit of HRI characters in case print/edit of barcode is executed.
* The edit by n value is specified as follows:
n Print/edit
'0' No
'1' Print/edit below barcode
* The default value of n is '0'.
23) Barcode modification total setting
: << GS X n1 n2 n3 n4 >> * ['0'
Code: [1D] h + [58] h + n1 +n2 + n3 + n4 * ['2'
Totally sets the modification of barcode for print/edit
* ['01'
* n1 is the same with the parameter of “HRI character print/edit setting”, n2 is the same with
parameter of “Barcode width size setting” and n3n4 the same with parameter of “Barcode height
24) Send printer status
: << ESC v >>
Code: [1B] h + [76] h + n
For the detail, please refer to [Send printer status] of line mode command.
25) Firmware download
: << GS d Dn >>
Code: [1D] h + [64] h + Dn
For the detail, please refer to [Firmware download] of line mode command.
26) Line mode selection
: << ESC S >>
Code: [1B] h + [53] h
Switched between the line mode and page mode.
* The data in the page buffer is cleared.
* The page mode setting will be the same as the status on the printer initialization < ESC c >.
* The default value is ‘Line mode.