Installing Locks and Power Supply
Locks should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The Easikey 250
controls the operation of a lock by switching power using a voltage-free relay. Up to 24v DC
at 2 Amps may be switched by the relays. Each lock may be programmed to be Fail-Safe
(continuously powered, power removed to unlock) or Fail-Secure (power supplied to unlock).
The type of cable used should be sufficient to provide the correct operating voltage at the
lock. Usually at least 0.5mm² will be required for a range of up to
Lock Suppression
All PAC readers are supplied with a suppression device, a MOV (metal oxide
varistor). This device should be fitted across the lock supply at the lock. These
devices prevent harmful back E.M.F. (“spikes”) from damaging the Easikey 250
controller. Failure to fit these devices may result in long term damage to the
controller and possible problems of door sticking.