March 2017
DocID029088 Rev 3
User manual
Evaluation board with STM32F779NI MCU
The STM32F779I-EVAL evaluation board is a complete demonstration and development
platform for STMicroelectronics ARM
-M7 core-based STM32F779NI
microcontrollers. It features the following interfaces: four I
Cs, six SPIs with three
multiplexed full-duplex I
S, SDIO, two SAIs, 8-bit to 14-bit digital camera, Ethernet MAC,
FMC, Quad-SPI. It also features four USARTs and four UART peripherals, two CAN buses,
three 12-bit ADC converters, two 12-bit DAC channels, internal 512 Kbytes of SRAM + 16
Kbytes of instruction, 2 Mbytes of Flash memory, TCM RAM + 4 Kbytes of backup SRAM,
USB OTG HS and USB OTG FS peripherals, SWD and JTAG debugging support,
Cryptographic acceleration (hardware acceleration for AES 128, 192, 256, triple DES,
HASH (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2), and HMAC). This evaluation board can be used as a
reference design for user application development but it is not considered as a final
The full range of hardware features on the board helps the user to evaluate all the
peripherals (USB OTG HS, USB OTG FS, Ethernet, motor control, microSD
card, USART,
audio DAC and ADC, digital microphone, CAN, SRAM, NOR Flash, SDRAM, Quad SPI
Flash, 4" DSI LCD with capacitive touch panel etc.) and develop applications. Extension
headers make provide an easy mean of connecting a daughterboard for a specific
application.The integrated ST-LINK/V2-1 provides an embedded in-circuit debugger and
programmer for the STM32.
Figure 1. STM32F779I-EVAL evaluation board
1. Picture is not contractual.