A.0500.251 – IM-TL/13.00 EN (08/2009)
8.0 Double mechanical seal
8.1 General
• Balanced mechanical seal.
• The product side stationary seal face is built into the seal cover which is assembled
in the rotor case from the front end and the atmopheric side stationary seal face is
built into the flush cover.
• Both stationary seal faces are locked against rotation by the friction forces of
• The spring loaded rotating seal faces are assembled into the driver which is locked
on the shaft sleeve by means of set screws. The seal faces are locked in the driver by
means of lips and slots.
• Suitable for two directions of rotation.
• Small seal faces prevents solidifying of medium between faces (reduced seal faces, so
called ‘‘knife edge seals’’ are available on demand).
• Quenched of flushed, pressurized or unpressurized.
Technical data
DW2: SiC (Q1) - SiC (Q1) and
SiC (Q1) - Carbon (B) atmospheric side
DB2: SiC (Q1) - Carbon (B) and
SiC (Q1) - Carbon (B) atmospheric side
Materials of O-rings:
Fluorocarbon FPM
EPDM-FDA (E1 i.e.certified food quality)
PTFE lined (T)
Perfluor Chemraz
* Perfluor Kalrez
200°C or up to the temperature limit of the pump
Maximum pressure:
16 bar or up to the operating pressure limit of the pump
Hydrostatic test pressure:
25 bar (for mechanical seal)
Maximum pressure of
quench/flushing medium:
16 bar
Pressurised seal:
The pressure of quench/flush medium should be
1 bar/10% higher than the process pressure
Unpressurised seal:
Pressure is lower than or equal to the processing pressure
* Kalrez is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers.