Using this sit-up bench provides several benefits. You will improve fitness, strengthen
your muscles and – in combination with a well-balanced diet – may even loose weight.
Loosing weight
The most important factor in terms of loosing weight is the effort you make during your
workout. The longer and harder you exercise, the more calories you burn and the more
weight you will loose.
Workout instructions
The following pages illustrate different exercises to be executed with your sit-up bench.
Observe the following points during every exercise:
• The direction you face when sitting on the bench.
• The position of your hands and feet during workout.
• How different parts of your body move during exercises.
In order to adjust the level of difficulty for your exercises, you can either increase (more
difficult) or reduce (less difficult) the inclination angle of your bench. Refer to chapter
Step 6: Adjusting the inclination angle of the bench
Training the upper and medium abdominal muscles
a. Sit down on the bench with your
knees above the (long) cushion
. Secure your feet underneath
the (short) cushion mount
b. Cross your arms behind your head. Then
move your upper body up and down
keeping your back straight and thereby
consciously using and bracing your abs.
c. Move you upper body back and stop
just before the back cushion in order
to achieve a constant tension.
d. Inhale when bracing your muscles and
exhale when releasing your muscles.
Training oblique abdominal muscles
a. Sit down on the bench with your knees
below the (long) cushion mount
Secure your feet underneath the
(short) cushion mount
b. Cross your arms behind your head. Then
move your upper body up and down with
your back straight and by consciously
using and bracing your abdominal muscles.
c. Execute this exercise exactly as
exercise 1, but twist your body towards
the right when reaching the highest
point and twist it towards the left
when repeating the move; your elbow
always points to the opposite leg.
d. Move you upper body back and stop
just before the back cushion in order
to achieve a constant tension
Training the lower abdominal muscles
a. Lie down on the back cushion
with your
back positioned as shown in the picture
and grab the (long) cushion mount
b. Extend your legs horizontally.
c. Slowly pull your legs back to
your chest while exhaling.
Training legs, butt and lower abdominal muscles
a. Lie down on the back cushion
with your
back positioned as shown in the picture
and grab the (long) cushion mount
b. Pull your legs as close as possible
to your body and then extend
them again horizontally.
c. Repeat this exercise as desired.
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