DrumXchanger Analog Code
Rim (optional)
Load rim shot sounds into the RIM slot.
Rim shot variations are handled the same way as standard sample
Slot Buttons
Behind every slot are three buttons.
1. The button with three dots on it opens the dialog window to load
samples. It has the same function as simply clicking on the slot.
2. The button with the right-pointing arrow is used to play back
the sample.
3. The X button empties the slot.
When you have finished editing, export the end result as a mul-
tisample in SPLX format. Choose the location where it should be
saved. We recommend to create and maintain a tidy collection of
DrumXchanger samples, so that they are always readily accessible.
You can not save or recall an editing status. You can only export
an SPLX multisample, and each multisample must be created as
a new SPLX file.
To go back to the DrumXchanger’s graphic interface close the
Editor window by clicking on CLOSE. Note that previous editing is
lost after pressing CLOSE.
Control Elements