DrumXchanger Analog Code
First Steps
First Steps
1. Insert the DrumXchanger as an effect in a drum track.
2. Choose a sample.
3. Make any necessary fine adjustments in the Trigger module.
4. Get to know all other settings in the other modules.
On step 1.
There is no sample loaded in the DrumXchanger when you load the
plug-in in your host program. However, the Trigger is already work-
ing, as you can see in the corresponding meters. Insert the DrumX-
changer in a snare, tom or bass drum track. Loop a couple of bars
and play them back — you can also do it in solo listening mode.
On step 2.
Choose a sample from the SPL Kits or load an SPLX, WAV or AIFF
file. Click on LOAD to point out the folder in which you have saved
the SPL Kits (see “LOAD” on page 24).
On step 3.
In the Trigger module, adjust sound recognition with the meters’
green arrows. These arrows determine the signal’s level and tran-
sient thresholds. Set the arrows according to your needs. The sam-
ples are only played back when both arrows blink.
Rim shots: use the red arrow to set the level from which a snare or
tom hit ought to include a rim shot. Use the RIM control above the
meters to set the ratio between the rim shot and the sample.
On step 4.
The DRY/WET function in the Output module is of utmost impor-
tance: use it to determine how much of the sample signal is to be
mixed with the original signal.