GSS6100 and SimCHAN user manual
© Spirent Communications Plc 2005 - 2007
Chapter 7: Calibration
The GSS6100 employs a digital architecture to produce accurate and stable
signals. As such it requires little calibration.
There are just two user adjustments: Frequency and Power.
These are both simple potentiometer adjustments. Test equipment
requirements are a suitable frequency counter with a stable reference and an
RF power meter respectively.
Spirent recommends these calibrations be performed annually.
Use anti-static handling precautions during calibration
7.1.1 Reference frequency calibration
This requires a frequency counter capable of measuring 10.00 MHz with at
least 10 digits of accuracy, for example an HP53131A. The frequency
counter should be locked to a frequency standard accurate to < ± 1 x 10
for example an HP5065A Rubidium standard. It is permissible to use a less
accurate standard if you are prepared to accept lower frequency accuracy for
the signal generator.
Turn on the GSS6100 and allow at least 30 minutes for the
internal oscillator to stabilise.
Attach the frequency counter to the 10 MHz OUT BNC
connector on the rear panel.
Remove ‘Calibration Void if Broken’ label covering from the
10 MHz Ref Cal adjustment port.
Use the frequency adjustment potentiometer to achieve a
frequency reading of 10 MHz
0.02 Hz.
Re-cover the 10 MHz Ref Cal port with an appropriate
calibration label.
This concludes reference frequency calibration.