Safety requirements
1. Accuracy in Fitting
The correct size adjustment of the SPIKES-SPIDER are mandatory for accuracy in fitting and function of the product. Only original parts are permitted for the configu-
ration. SPIKES-SPIDER needs to be mounted on the driven wheels. For four wheels drive vehicles preferably on the front wheels.
In any case, the instruction manual of the manufacturer of your vehicle must be followed when using snow chains.
2. Legal Guidelines for snow chains
The maximum speed for SPIKES-SPIDER is 50 km/h (30mph) as for all snow chains. Please also refer to the legal rules for anti skid devices or snow chains of the respect-
tive country.
3. Tire Pressure
Please obey the prescribed tire pressure for your vehicle in order to minimize the wear of your SPIKES-SPIDER and to prevent possible damages resulting from wrong
tire pressure.
4. Longer braking distance
Keep in mind that driving characteristics of your vehicle change when driving with snow chains. The braking distance of the car is getting longer on snow covered or
icy roads. The wheels without traction device react differently to the ones with.
5. Starting on Ice and Snow
Please start moving carefully with SPIKES-SPIDER and avoid spinning wheels.
6. General Instructions
Avoid spinning wheels and do not drive on curbs etc.. The wear rate of the components is much higher when driving on bare pavement, adversely affecting the life of
the product. Take advantage of the fast mounting and fast removal of the SPIKES-SPIDER. Remove the SPIKES-SPIDER as soon as possible, in a safe location, when bare
road conditions are encountered unless otherwise instructed by law enforcement officials or road signs.
7. Replacement of SPIKES-SPIDER parts
The individual parts of the SPIKES-SPIDER are subject to wear out even when used properly and need to be replaced at given time. Please ask your local dealer for
original replacement parts.
8. Storage and Maintenance of the SPIKES-SPIDER
Clean the SPIKES-SPIDER with warm water after use and store it at room temperature. Do not stress or deform the synthetic components heavily.
9. Liability
Under no circumstances shall the manufacturer be liable to purchaser or any other person for any special or consequential damage arising out of improper installation
and / or use of our products.