Set filament pre-heat setting to Zero, with either RS-232 GUI or Analog Control
Set Max Limit Current for the Small Filament, with either RS-232 GUI or Analog Control
Select Small Filament and turn the Filament ON.
Starting from zero current slowly increases filament small pre-heat setting and at the
same time monitoring the actual current (from the digital multimeter). Never exceed
maximum tube current!
Increases actual filament current till 10% below the maximum filament current as
specified in the tube data sheets.
The actual filament current and the monitored current that is read by either GUI or
Analog Control should be within 1% tol. If reading is not at spec, readjust R36 (SMALL
FIL I CAL) on Filament/Feedback XRV PWB 460158-XXX.
Turn off the filament and Aux Circuit Breaker.
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