05311001B / Revision 4
screen icon
Recommended actions
Database fault
Turn the instrument off, and then turn it on again.
If the fault message is then displayed again,
contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent
for assistance.
Date/Time invalid
This usually occurs because the electrical supply
to the instrument has been switched off for more
than a week.
Switch on the electrical supply, then set the date/
time as described in Section 6.3.6. If the fault
persists, contact Servomex or your local
Servomex agent for assistance.
Fatal fault
Contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent
for assistance.
mA fault
Ensure that the electrical cabling connected to the
instrument is not open circuit.
Turn the instrument off, and then turn it on again.
If the fault persists, contact Servomex or your local
Servomex agent for assistance.
mA not detected
Contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent
for assistance.
Relays not detected
Contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent
for assistance.
mA reset
Contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent
for assistance.
Power config fault
Contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent
for assistance.
Static RAM fault
Turn the instrument off, and then turn it on again.
If the fault message is then displayed again,
contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent
for assistance.
Sw IP not detected
Contact Servomex or your local Servomex agent
for assistance.
Temperature fault
Reduce temperature to within environmental limits
or contact Servomex or your local Servomex
agent for assistance.