5 – Instrument user interface
OxyDetect Oxygen Deficiency Gas Detector
05311001B / Revision 4
During normal instrument operation, the software health indicator
continuously moves from left to right and then back again, below the status
icon bar. If the indicator stops moving, this means that the instrument is not
operating correctly, and you must refer to Section 9.
If no soft key is pressed for 10 minutes, the measurement screen will be
automatically displayed. (You will also then have to enter the password again
to access any password-protected screens).
Soft key legends
The four soft key legends at the bottom of the measurement screen Figure 6
correspond to the four soft keys on the front of the instrument. (The first, left-most,
legend corresponds to the function of soft key 1, the second legend corresponds to
the function of soft key 2, and so on.) On the measurement screen, the soft key
functions are as follows:
Function (when soft key pressed)
Displays the menu screen: see Section 5
Calibrate *
Displays the calibrate screen: see Sections 7
Alarm *
Displays the alarm option screen: see Section 6.5.1
None (no effect)
* These soft keys are 'shortcuts' to the described functions, which are also accessible from
the menu structure.
Other soft key legends which are used on the various screens are as follows:
Function (when soft key pressed)
Cancels the current screen and displays the
previous screen in the menu structure
Accepts the currently selected option or data.
(A new screen may be displayed accordingly.)
Allows the highlighted data to be edited
Moves the cursor up a list (or increases a digit
during editing)