Spectralink 84-Series Series Wireless Telephones Administration Guide
September 2016
First the handset looks in its local memory. If the user has populated the contact
directory or makes any change to it, it will write to the MACaddress-directory.xml file on
the central provisioning server and will use that file. If the user has not made any entries
it will go to the second location.
If the contact directory has been populated, it will be written to the central provisioning
server as an xml file named MACaddress-directory.xml every time any changes are
made to it. See
Understanding the Files Written by the Handsets
about how handset-written files work.
If there is no MACaddress-directory.xml file,
the handset will look for a “seed directory”
named 000000000000-directory.xml. This file can be provisioned at initial deployment to
provide contact information to all handsets in the deployment. Once the handset finds
this file, it populates the contact directory. If the user makes any changes to the contact
information, the contact directory is written to the central provisioning server usings its
MACaddress as the filename as explained in step 1.
Failing the above 3 locations, the contact directory will remain empty.
The only time the handset
“makes it” to #3 is when has been restored to factory defaults and
there is no seed directory provisioned.
Provisioning the Seed Directory
The seed directory gives the administrator a way to populate the contact directory with global
contact information at initial deployment. Unless a handset is returned to factory defaults, it will
never again look for the seed directory because its local memory will be populated as in step 1
and any changes will be stored on the central provisioning server as in step 1.
Two features make the seed directory extremely useful in certain situations: you can provision
an emergency number accessible on the speed dial list and you can apply distinctive incoming
call treatment to specific contacts. You could also use it instead of a corporate directory and
populate users’ contact directories with a full database of current personnel. (see
Distinctive Incoming Call Treatment
Contact directory is editable by the user
All entries in the users’ contact directories can be edited by the user unless you set
the parameter to read-only.
Setting up the seed directory:
Locate the seed directory template in the Config folder you downloaded with the
software. It is named
Remove the tilde from the filename.
Populate the entries with your own contact information.