For information about using the MG2639’s GPS module, check out our
GPS Basics and GPS Shield tutorials. We highly recommend using the Tiny
GPS library for all of your GPS-string-parsing-in-Arduino needs.
If you’d like to continue exploring the tutorials in our catalog, here are a few
related guides we’d recommend:
Whether you want to connect an LCD to your shield to make a fully
navigable cell phone, or want to log sensor data to, the
MG2639 Cellular Shield should serve as a solid launching point.
Serial Graphic LCD Hookup
Learn how to use the Serial Graphic
Graphic LCD Hookup Guide
How to add some flashy graphics to
your project with a 84x48
monochrome graphic LCD.
Weather Station Wirelessly
Connected to
Build your own open source, official
Wunderground weather station that
updates every 10 seconds over Wifi
via an Electric Imp.
Pushing Data to
A grab bag of examples to show off
the variety of routes your data can
take on its way to a stream.
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