Seaich Corporation, LLC. All rights reserved. www.seaich.com | Spacerails, LLC. www.spacerails.com
Page 15
Step 1:
Starting at the top left Elevator Entry 3(R-3) connect Rail F (45 cm) to Rail Clip. Curving rail, connect to
Arm G-1 then Arm A-2. Continue the curve and connect to Start Part.
Step 2:
Starting at The bottom left Elevator Entry 3(R-3), connect Rail G (350 cm) to Rail Clip. Curve rail and
connect to G-3, then through the triple loop to D-3. Keeping rail tight, connect to I-2, then L-1 and O-1. Curve
rail and attach to Q-1.
Step 3:
You will now begin the spiral. You may have to adjust the angle of the arms and Rail Clips. Connect rail
to Arm M-1, then curve the rail tightly to O-2 then Q-2. Continue spiral upward to M-2, O-3, Q-3, M-3, O-4, and
Q-4. Finish the top of the spiral with M-4, O-5, and Q-6. Then bring rail out and connect to Arm N-2 and then
back to the Start Block.
You may want to start with the majority of the rail towards the back of the base. Then, you can put a
small portion of the end of the rail through the triple loop and connect back to the elevator piece.
When constructing the spiral on the right of the structure, you will need to guide the excess rail to
more easily attach rail to Rail Clips.
Fine Tune:
Once each rail section is completed
run a marble down your course and make sure
it travels well. Make any adjustments as needed.
The spiral will need to be adjusted and the rail
angles tweaked.
Elevator Exit
Elevator Entry