Chapter 3 Using the Web Administration Screen
• User area backup to AIT cartridge (Incremental backup)
Maintenance results are displayed on the [Alert Messages] screen, as shown
below. You can also send the results by e-mail to a designated address (page 27).
From the [Software Configuration] screen, you can configure the following
settings for the network file server, as necessary.
• Maintenance
• Mail configuration
• Tape migration policy
• Misc. configuration
You can set what time maintenance will begin and which day of the week to
perform a full backup.
• Start Time: Sets the hour and minute when maintenance begins.
• Day of the Week for Full Backup: Full backup on user area AIT cartridges is
performed on the day of the week designated here.
On a day other than the specified weekday, an incremental backup is
Mail configuration
You can set the SMTP server hostname and designate e-mail addresses for
receiving reports.
• SMTP Server: Input the hostname or IP address of the SMTP server. When
using something other than an IP address, you must designate a DNS server
beforehand on the [DNS Client] screen (page 53).
• Sender Address: Input the e-mail address of the sender. Depending on your
SMTP server, some e-mail addresses may be restricted.
• Mail Address: Input the e-mail addresses that will receive reports. Only one
e-mail address can be set for each type of report.
Mar 25 02:16:12
PetaServe Nightly maintenance on sonyhnf:
Summary is in /osm/log/maint/04.05.25.summary
Detail is in /osm/log/maint/04.05.25.details