DVW-790WSP/709WSP/707P P2V1
1. Play Back
Play back ZR2-1/P (from 15 minute to 25 minute
2. CUE Head Azimuth Check
(1) Turn the azimuth adjusting screw clockwise
or counterclockwise so that the output
waveform is the maximum.
(2) Repeat the mode change from the EJECT
mode to PLAY mode 2 or 3 times. Check that
the output level is the same as the level in the
step (1) and is not changed.
(3) Repeat the mode change from the REV mode
to PLAY mode 2 or 3 times. Check that the
output level is the same as the level in the
step (1) and is not changed.
REV search mode
Press the REW button after pressing the PLAY
button. (The PLAY and REW buttons on the
keyboard light up.)
3. CUE Head Head-to-tape Contact
Refer to section 5-7.
4. CUE Head Height Check
Refer to section 5-5.
5. CUE/TC Head Position Check
Refer to section 5-8.
CUE head assembly
Azimuth adjusting screw
5-6. CUE Head Azimuth Check