SoniClear Video Recording Operation Guide
Pg 17
To confirm the port setting, make sure the camera is connected, and wait for the
alternate IP address to be set (done when the little circle on the Ethernet
connection turns to a warning triangle). Then click Start and enter cmd.exe into
the search field. Run the cmd.exe program displayed, which will bring up a
command line dialog.
On the command line enter the command: ipconfig. This will display the current
computer IP address.
If the displayed IP address is not the one specified, enter the following additional
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
The release and renew steps should force the IP address to the new setting, which
will be confirmed by the last ipconfig command.
If the IP address does not set correctly, contact SoniClear Support for assistance.
IMPORTANT NOTE: after making these setting changes, the Ethernet port can only be
used for connection to the camera. Use the WiFi connection for Internet access.