AeroVee 2.1
Rev Z. 01/14/2015
Sonex Aircraft
© 2014 All Rights Reserved
Gascolator Installation
The gascolator must be the lowest point in your fuel system so
it will collect water from your fuel system for easy draining.
Never use teflon tape on any fuel system connections as it may
block fuel flow.
Position the gascolator on the firewal after the motormount
has been installed so there is no interference between the
gascolator, drain fitting, and motormount.
A street elbow and fuel drain are installed in the gascolator
before the gascolator is positioned on the firewall.
This section supplements the fuel system installation page(s)
of the Sonex Aircraft airframe blueprints. Additionally, the
AeroCarb/AeroInjector manual provided with your AeroCarb/
AeroInjector should be referenced.
Other than the fuel tank (included with your Sonex Aircraft
airframe kit) and the AeroInjector (AeroCarb) included with
your AeroVee engine kit, all other fuel system components
must be sourced by each builder. Many of the pipe nad tube
fittings can often be sourced from automotive-supply stores or
hardware stores.
Additionally, both Wicks and Aircraft Spruce offer AeroVee
Firewall Forward Kits which may contain the parts you need
for the fuel system.
impoRTAnT: Because of the wide range of possible in-
stallation variations, the hardware and fittings mentioned
in this manual and included in the 3rd-party hardware kits
may or may not match your specific needs or desires. Each
builder must make their own determination of which parts
are appropriate for their particular installation.
Fuel Line Installation
The fuel line must flow smoothly from the gascolator to the
AeroInjector, with no part of the fuel hose rising higher than
the carburetor fuel inlet. If the hose is higher than the fuel inlet
at any point between the gascolator and the AeroInjector, an
air pocket can form and hinder fuel flow.
The use of 3/8" I.D. (-06 hose) stainless steel reinforced fuel
line, such as Pro-Flex brand hose from Jegs, with AN hose
fittings is recommended.
Do not use barbed hose fittings and
hose clamps in the fuel system.
Important. Never use teflon tape on any fuel system con-
nections as it may block fuel flow.
This view shows very clearly the fuel line routing on a Sonex,
Waiex, or Xenos. While the fuel connection at the AeroInjector
should be installed exactly as shown, the use of a differ-
ent gascolator may require slightly different fittings at the
gascolator outlet.
The fuel line at the gascolator can be fitted with either a 90
swivel fitting (left), or a straight fitting (right). The choice of
which to use should be based on the best routing for the fuel
line to avoid the exhaust pipes.