AeroVee 2.1
Rev Z. 01/14/2015
Sonex Aircraft
© 2014 All Rights Reserved
__7. Align the 8 holes in the center of the flywheel with
the dowel pins on the end of the crankshaft. The hole
pattern permits the flywheel to be installed in only one
__8. The flywheel is a tight
fit onto the crankshaft.
It must go on squarely.
If it binds, remove it
and lightly polish the
dowel pins with fine
emery cloth. Once
the flywheel has been
started by hand, com-
plete the installation
by tightening the gland
with an impact wrench.
__9. Push the crankshaft
towards the back
(flywheel end) of the
engine and, with a
feeler gauge, measure
the gap between the
flywheel and the rear
main bearing. Record
this measurement in the
"Shim Chart".
__10. Complete the shim
chart by subtract-
ing .006" from gap
recorded in step 9. This
is the total thickness of
shims you will use to
set the proper end play.
__11. Clean the end shims
with a mild solvent to
remove the preserva-
__12. Select any combination
of three to five shims
which most closely
equals the "Shim
Thickness" determined
in step 10.
Shim Chart:
Complete this chart to
determine the total thick-
ness of shims required. See
steps 9 through 10.
= 0.______"
- .006 "
= 0.______"
Gap (see Step 9)
Subtract .006"
Shim Thickness
Continue with step 11.
__13. Check your shim selection by sliding the shims, to-
gether with a feeler gauge, between the flywheel and the
main bearing. You should have between .003" and .006"
of end play.
If necessary, adjust your shim selection to achieve the
required end play of .003" to .006"
Set the shims aside for later installation.
__14. Remove the gland nut and flywheel from the crank
shaft. It may be necessary to use a flywheel puller.
__15. Carefully align the
Cam Plug, with its
closed (flat) end out,
and install it in the cam
plug bore at the fly-
wheel end of the case.
Note: Most cases have
a smooth cam bore for
a “ribbed” plug. Some
cases have a groove
in the cam bore for a
cam plug with a raised
Metal plug with a single
ridge. Used in cases
with a "grooved" cam
Plastic plug with a
ribbed diameter. Used
with a "smooth" cam