V 1.0
If the system is operational except for one or more nodes, the Diagnostic Analyzer can be used
to confirm the proper operation and connection of the nodes in question.
In order to diagnose a specific node, the node’s address must be entered into the Diagnostic
Analyzer. To enter an address:
1. Press and release the “Function” button.
2. Toggle the LEDs on each of the buttons to match the pattern for the desired device.
3. Press “Function” when done.
The Diagnostic Analyzer will now flash “Node RECV” and “Node XMIT” whenever the
addressed node receives or transmits data. Audible alarms may be enabled for both the receive
and transmit functions as well by selecting the “Beep RECV” and “Beep XMIT” functions.
When “Beep RECV” and/or “Beep XMIT” are illuminated, the Diagnostic Analyzer will make
a short beeping sound whenever the node receives or transmits, respectively.
Sometimes a node may fail in a way that results in the network being overwhelmed with too
much communication. This may result in a system that is very slow to respond. The
Diagnostic Analyzer can be used to identify the node in question.
The Sonance Navigator Network is quiet most of the time. Typically only button presses and
occasional temperature readings or commands are sent. During boot up, there is a great deal
of network activity, (flashing LEDs) but after about three minutes, the activity becomes occa-
sional. If the activity still seems high after five minutes, there may be a defective device/con-
nection causing undue network traffic. A capture mode is provided to determine the offending
device’s address pattern.
To activate capture mode, press the “C2 RECV” button. All buttons will light until the next
node tries to speak. If it is a busy system, this may happen in a fraction of a second. The but-
tons will illuminate indicating the address pattern of the device.
Before deciding to investigate a particular device, press “C2 RECV” several times to see if a
pattern repeats. Sometimes the analyzer will just be displaying normal communications from
the device.