EZL-200F User
s Manual Ver. 2.1
Sollae Systems Co., Ltd.
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Console mode
This is a mode for setting environmental parameters through RS232 port. You can also
use the ezConfig because the network access is still available. The only difference between
this mode and normal mode is that the restrictions on access are no more available.
Therefore, when you lost your password or you can’t search the product because
inactivating the [MAC Address Search] option, enter to this mode and revoke them.
ISP Mode
ISP mode is for upgrading firmware through the serial port. EZL-200F supports both
Ethernet and serial port to transfer the firmware file.
In case of using the serial port, follow the processes.
① Run a serial communication program (like Teraterm or Hyperterminal)
② Open the COM port
③ Enter to the ISP mode: Supply the power pressing the ISP button
Fig 4-2 boot massages
④ Input “p” command after the checking boot messages
Fig 4-3 command “p”
⑤ Send a firmware file: You should send it in binary format
Fig 4-4 upgrade is completed
⑥ Reboot when it is completed