5. Commissioning
E. Work Mode: This is the energy storage operating mode. All four modes first prioritize is to use
the available PV power to support the home loads. The different modes determine what the
second priority, or use of the excess PV power, will be. Select the desired mode, then tap the
slider switch to turn the mode on. The switch will appear orange if it is enabled.
stores the excess PV power into the battery. If the battery is charged, or there
Self-Use mode
is no battery, the excess PV power will be exported (sold) back to the utility company. If the
system is set to not export any power, then the inverter will curtail the PV power (derate the
inverter output power).
will ensure that the system exports any excess PV power after the home
Feed in Priority
loads are supplied. If the export power quota has been met, then the remaining PV power will be
stored in the battery. This mode should not be used if export power is going to be set to zero.
can be enabled or disabled independently of the first two modes. What this mode
Backup Mode
does is ensure that the battery does not drain past the Reserve SOC (state-of-charge) percentage.
The battery will cycle between 100% and the Reserve SOC, so if grid power is lost, the battery will
have the Reserve SOC at the very least to carry the home through the outage.
is only to be used by systems that are not electrically connected to the grid at all.
Off-grid Mode
This mode is like Self-Use mode, but the PV power will be curtailed if the battery is charged and
the home load demand is lower than the amount of available PV power.
Time of Use Switch
is for customizing when the battery is allowed to charge and discharge
power and at what rate, established by a current (amperage) setting. If this slider switch is
turned on, the inverter will only use this schedule to determine when to charge and discharge
the battery. If
is turned on, the inverter will use grid power to charge the
Allow Grid Charging
battery only under two circumstances: (1) the battery drains to the Force Charge SOC and
(2) Time of Use is enabled and there is not enough available PV power during the charge
window to meet the current rate that is established.
Time of Use is for manual control of the battery charging/discharging. If Time of Use
is turned off, charging/discharging is automatically regulated by the inverter.